Women's Business Network - Gem County (October)

Multiple Dates
The Brunswick, 124, West Main Street, Emmett, Idaho, 83617, United States
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General Admission
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Women's Business Network meeting ($40 at the door)

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6-month Membership
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Join us 6 months in a row: Women's Business Network events September - February

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Annual Membership
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Join us 12 months in a row: Women's Business Network events September - August

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Monthly Meeting Sponsor Addon
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Branding at sponsored meeting and the option to set up a display table during the event. Includes logo on the website for you sponsored month

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Social Media Promotion Addon
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Logo featured on our Facebook page for 1 month and a shout-out on our social media platform. Tailored to engage our audience.

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Website Sponsorship Addon
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Your logo featured at the bottom of the Women's Business Network website page for one year, with a link to your business.



Join us for our first Women's Business Network event presented by the Gem County Economic Development Foundation.  You will enjoy some good food, drinks and amazing guest speakers. You also will get the chance to network with other women business owners. This event will take place every month on the 2nd Monday.


Ember Hines


The Brunswick
124, West Main Street, Emmett, Idaho, 83617, United States

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