Film - THE CONVERSATION with Rebecca O'Brien Q+A

Sun, Aug 18, 2024, 7:00 pm
Widcombe Social Club, Lower Widcombe Hill, Widcombe, Bath, BA2 6AA
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Off the Wall Films presents

 Francis Ford Coppola, USA, 1974, 113m, 12A

Made between THE GODFATHER parts 1 and 2 from his own original script, Coppola’s THE CONVERSATION is now widely regarded as one of its director’s best films and by some as his absolute masterpiece. Certainly, it’s a seminal film of its period, and strikingly prescient of present-day fears about personal data collection. Gene Hackman is superb as Harry Caul, an intensely private surveillance agent tasked by a shadowy corporation with recording a conversation between a young couple. Harry prides himself on his professional detachment but, as his expertise and specialist equipment gradually reveal what was said, he’s smitten with a crisis of conscience when he comes to believe the two subjects are in grave danger. As well as Hackman’s career-best performance, the film boasts Oscar-nominated sound design by Walter Murch, a plangent piano score by David Shire and amongst the most memorable opening and closing sequences in the movies – all of which helped the film to win the Palm d’Or at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival. Long unavailable for big screen presentation, we will be screening THE CONVERSATION from the dazzling 4K restoration, produced to mark the film’s 50th anniversary.

We’re delighted to welcome Rebecca O’Brien to WSC to introduce and discuss the film. Rebecca has been Ken Loach’s producer at Sixteen Films for several decades, bringing to the screen almost twenty Loach titles, including LAND AND FREEDOM, I, DANIEL BLAKE and, most recently, THE OLD OAK. THE CONVERSATION is one of her favourite films.

"This is a severe and gripping masterpiece." - Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian.

"A fantastic reminder of why ‘70s Hollywood is so often the benchmark for modern moviedom to aspire to." - Ian Freer, Empire.

"A major artistic asset to the film -- besides script, direction and the top performances -- is supervising editor Walter Murch's sound collage and re-recording." - Variety.

"There's a strong case to be made for The Conversation being Coppola's greatest film. Which, when you consider what else he's made, is high praise indeed." - Film4.

"A bleak and devastatingly brilliant film." - Time Out.

Voluntary donations - Off the Wall Films is a not-for-profit enterprise. All donations - very gratefully received - will go towards improving the OtWF programme and the presentation of films at WSC.

Carers' tickets - we offer complimentary tickets to carers of people with disabilities. If you would like to attend the screening along with the person in your care please message  with your request for a ticket. Please note - you are eligible for this offer only if you are accompanied by a paying person with disabilities.


Off the Wall Films


Widcombe Social Club
Lower Widcombe Hill, Widcombe, Bath, BA2 6AA

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