The Bridging Past and Present Series is funded by a Wisconsin Arts Board Grant from the National Endowment of Arts. It results from a partnership with the Friends of the Oshkosh Seniors Center and Oshkosh Public Museum and support from Discover Oshkosh.
Debra Morningstar's workshop will be held at the Lakeshore Park 4 Seasons Building, 1875 Punhoqua Street, Oshkosh, from 1 to 4 p.m.
With its roots in ancient tribal teachings, this adult-oriented workshop encourages participants to explore their past as they embark on this life-altering experience. Adorning their sticks with ribbons, shells, beads, sweet grass, and feathers, participants are guided on a journey of spiritual renewal and self-discovery. At the culmination of this activity, the people come together in the Sacred Circle to share their stories.
All adults are invited to be part of this deeply moving experience as the Indian Storystick takes you on your Earth Walk of reflection, healing, and self-care.
Duration: 3 Hours
If you want to learn more about Debra Morningstar please visit her website -
If you have questions about this workshop, please direct them to Anne Schaefer, City of Oshkosh, Marketing and Fund Development Coordinator, at 920.232.5306.