Bingo Night

Fri, Apr 12, 2024, 6:00 pm
ANCS Middle Campus Backyard, 820, Essie Avenue Southeast, Atlanta, Georgia, 30316, United States
Sorry, tickets have reached their end sale date and are no longer available for purchase.


Bingo Night, a family-friendly game event hosted by the PTCA, will take place on Friday, April 12th from 6-8pm  in the Middle Campus Backyard! Students and families from both the Elementary and Middle Campuses are welcome to join in the excitement. 

Your $5 admission ticket will get you a playing card for each round. We will play as many rounds as we can until 8pm. Ticket sales will end at midnight on Wednesday, April 10th.

Purchase pizza & drink packages as well as drink and snack tickets in advance. (Please note there will be no individual pizza slices sold at the event; all pizzas must be purchased ahead of time). Concession tickets may also be used to buy extra Bingo cards at the event. And, don't forget your dauber to mark off numbers as they are called.

As always, we need volunteers (both adults and middle school students) to help things run smoothly. This is a great opportunity for middle school students to get volunteer hours. If you volunteer, you get a free Bingo card and are guaranteed a ticket! Sign up here:

Questions? Please contact Amanda Evans at Thank you!


Amanda Evans


ANCS Middle Campus Backyard
820, Essie Avenue Southeast, Atlanta, Georgia, 30316, United States

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