Acadie Rock - Show du 17 août

Sat, Aug 17, 2024, 8:00 pm
Salle Bernard-LeBlanc, 140, Botsford Street, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 4X5, Canada
Sorry, tickets have reached their end sale date and are no longer available for purchase.


Venez nous rejoindre à La Salle Bernard LeBlanc pour découvrir Dustin Dale, Joseph Edgar et Menoncle Jason en action ! Ce sera une soirée chill remplie de musique, d'art et de good vibes. Que vous soyez là pour découvrir de nouveaux talents ou simplement passer un bon moment, passez nous voir et profitez du spectacle avec nous !

Portes 19h30


Centre Culturel Aberdeen


Salle Bernard-LeBlanc
140, Botsford Street, Moncton, New Brunswick, E1C 4X5, Canada

Customer Reviews

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Rick Saulnier
August 18, 2024

Dustin and M'Oncle Jason were excellent shows. It was unfortunate that there were no chairs or tables. People need to sit and have a place to put their drinks. I know you were expecting a full capacity crowd of 275 but I counted 60 people at most. Someone should have adapted to the situation and brought in chairs. During intermission all the people sitting on the floor should have been a clue.

Whoever was doing sound was amazing. Lighting was great too.